Anna MacLean and Lesa MacLeod-Whiting

The Koru Hour: 2 Elite 2 Handle

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Live like the New Zeelund elite! Enjoy a complimentary upgrade and experience the mysteries of our premiere airport lounge.

The Koru Hour: 2 Elite 2 Handle, is the return of the sold-out show written and performed by award-winning comedians, Anna MacLean and Lesa MacLeod-Whiting.

So grab your nominated plus one, a hunk of cheese and step inside NZ's only known secret society to watch these characters strive for the kiwi dream.......status points, synergistic networking and free sav.

"Koru Hour: 2 Elite 2 Handle is a goofy, compelling show that prides itself on authentic absurdity. MacLean and Macleod-Whiting demonstrate repeatedly how in touch they are with their completely out-of-touch characters and keep the audience in giggles throughout the entire show. Their on-stage chemistry is dangerously electric, and they never miss a chance to show how much they adore playing together." - Wellyott

"Macleod-Whiting continues to grow, finding her confidence on ever bigger stages with her smart material and almost vaudeville style" - Wellington Best Foods Comedy Gala 2024 Review, The Post

Winner - Best Comedian, Wellington Comedy Awards, 2023 (Lesa MacLeod-Whiting)
Winner - Best Newcomer, Wellington Comedy Awards, 2020 (Lesa MacLeod-Whiting)


  • Wellington Shows

Ticket prices

Full Price: $30
Concession: $25

*service fee may apply



Wheelchair access on request only

Occasional bad language
Adult themes

Recommended 16+