Live Nation & Jubilee Street

Becky Lucas

Things have changed, but the essence remains

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My name is Becky Lucas and this is the blurb for my stand up comedy show. I am the only female Australian comedian to have performed on the Conan O’Brien show, I’ve hosted the MICF gala, I’ve performed my solo show at the Sydney Opera House and written my very own book called 'Acknowledgements'. The thing is, I’ve listed my credits here for almost 10 years and I’m not even sure if anyone has ever read them. I don’t want to include quotes from newspapers about how funny I am because who cares?

Nothing I write here can truly help you gauge whether I’m the comedian for you so as a bit of an experiment, why don’t you text me on 0410 472 546 - that’s my real number - ask me to say something funny and I’ll do my best. And if no one does it then I’m never writing a blurb ever again.


  • Auckland Shows

Ticket prices


*service fee may apply


1 hour.

Wheelchair Accessible

May contain colourful language and adult themes

Recommended 15+